Thursday, February 18, 2010

“War Dollars”

National war expenditures have gotten out of control. In the proposed budget for 2011, national defense leads the pact at a heafty $738billion. America's national debt has become an immense burden to this nation's future. With money flying out the door at supersonic speeds, it will be difficult to pull back on this superfluous spending. During the Bush administation, an entitlement to war spending was created by our nation's going to war. However, a gradual decrease in defense budgeting should be created in order to decrease the debt of America.

No other country even comes close to spending as much money in defense spending as America does. In 2008, America spent $711billion dollars in defense spending, the number one country for defense spending. In fact a whompping 48% of the entire world defense spending was made by The United States. National Defense Spending in an budget that needs to be drastically altered.
ISSUE#2 Spernding too much/Our nation's defecit

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