Thursday, March 25, 2010

H1N1 Still Alive

Although H1N1 Hasn't been talked about as much in the recent months, it is still alive, especially in the southeast. Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina have reported a regional flu activity. While eight other states in the south and midwest regions of the nation have reported a local flu activity. The outbreaks have begun to elscalte, returning to the conditions they were once at in October. It is important to stay healthy and avoid contact with un sanitized surfaces. Washing hands periodically is paramount to the success in avoiding the disease. H1N1 can attack even the healthiest of people so it is crucial to remain aware of this sickness and repect how serious it is.

Healthcare Plan

It is official, President Obama has signed the Healthcare Bill. This bill is the biggest change in our nations healthcare plan in the past four decades. Obama and Democrats celebrate the bill, but there maybe underlined problems. John Stossel used and example of comparing healthcare to grocceries, if you wern't paying attention to the price of the food that you are buying then you wouldn't take consideration the prices or sales of those foods. Same goes for healthcare, if people are granted healthcare they are unlikely to "shop around" for cheaper physisians. There is no urgency for competition. Another logical solution to the healthcare debate would be a Health Savings Account (HSA), an account the takes 2% from an individual's pay to cover medical expenses. This forces hospitals and healthcare services to be competitive with pricing, similar to the competitive prices in Lasik surgery. However not all of the healthcare bill is bad. Individuals are less likely to rush to the emergency room for small issues. The price of a physician is within reach for everyone and frivilous expendetures to the E-R will be reduced dramatically. Just like every other bill passed, healthcare has its pros and cons. Overall the benefical good for our nation seems to be overwhemling. Hopefully America doesn't get too much of a good thing.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Too Much Help For Haiti?

Dollars, aid and volunteers all being sent to Haiti. America has their country's need for help in mind, but could that help be hurting them?

Haiti is affraid to lose their independence. With millions of dollars being sent to this impoverished country the help is somewhat overwhelming. Haiti's history is a formation of slaves that revolted against their masters during the 19th century. The spirit of independece is still fresh in the blood of Haitian people and the fear of losing that independence sends tension between societies. Haiti is becoming somewhat reliant on other countries to serve as a crutch to their economic system. If we don't let this nation walk on its own two feet it maybe possible that they will never develop into a stable nation. It is a vicious cycle for poor country struck by a natural disaster. There needs to be balance between help and letting Haiti take pride in their independence.

Coffee Shop Politics

People all over the country are in a buzz about a political group created on Facebook. Over 100,000 people across the nation gather in local coffee shops to discuss politics, individuals span across every ethnicity and religion. It is meant to be an open minded group that doesn't discriminate other's views on our nation, but rather embraces the many ideas and solutions that they may offer. Designed to be approachable, even to people who have never been interested in politics, the "Coffee Party" is a great way to learn about the people in your community, as well as learning about our country.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

J.K. Rowling Accused of Plagiarism Again

Once again author of the renowned Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling, is accused for plagiarism. On a law suit of about one-billion dollars, Paul Allen is attempting to settle credit on behalf of Adrian Jacob's estate. Adrian Jacobs is the author of, "The Adventures of Willy the Wizard" and died in 1997. Sir Allen believes that Rowling stole subjects from Adrain Jacobs and attempted to interject them into her story, "Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire", the fourth installment of her series which came out July 2000. Rowling believes that she is falsely accused and has never read any of the books written by Adrain Jacobs. Rowling is sad to think that people think that she is not creative, and has to rely on the works of other writers to draw inspiration. Hopefully this is just another law suit that will be settled peacefully and all will soon be forgotten.,8599,1964964,00.html

Does Obesity Rehab for Kids Work?

With adolescent obesity on the rise, many parents have taken steps to prevent or reverse the health concerns of their children. Whether by seeking dietary guidance by a health professional or entering them into health programs such as Wellspring Academy in southern California. Owner Ryan Craig, opened the academy in 2004, it was the only residential obesity-treatment center of its kind. Craig was shocked by the staggering rates of obesity in the US and found it as an opportunity to make a change in the health of the nation. Along with typical academic courses, the academy provides therapy and physical involvement courses, guiding students into a healthier, happier lifestyle. The school's weight-loss program was designed by Northwestern University Medical Center professor Daniel Kirschenbaum.,9171,1966466,00.html