Thursday, March 25, 2010

Healthcare Plan

It is official, President Obama has signed the Healthcare Bill. This bill is the biggest change in our nations healthcare plan in the past four decades. Obama and Democrats celebrate the bill, but there maybe underlined problems. John Stossel used and example of comparing healthcare to grocceries, if you wern't paying attention to the price of the food that you are buying then you wouldn't take consideration the prices or sales of those foods. Same goes for healthcare, if people are granted healthcare they are unlikely to "shop around" for cheaper physisians. There is no urgency for competition. Another logical solution to the healthcare debate would be a Health Savings Account (HSA), an account the takes 2% from an individual's pay to cover medical expenses. This forces hospitals and healthcare services to be competitive with pricing, similar to the competitive prices in Lasik surgery. However not all of the healthcare bill is bad. Individuals are less likely to rush to the emergency room for small issues. The price of a physician is within reach for everyone and frivilous expendetures to the E-R will be reduced dramatically. Just like every other bill passed, healthcare has its pros and cons. Overall the benefical good for our nation seems to be overwhemling. Hopefully America doesn't get too much of a good thing.

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